Just like the old days
Flash games for awhile has been topping old NES games by the advancing programming of Flash and Action script codes. But in truth, creators of Flash games are advancing and making better games these days too. This game reminds me of the classic games of NES and Super Nintendo in which the goal of the game is simple using a simple game play. This game is enjoyable, but I can't help but say I was a little stuck in the beginning and the use keyboard buttons only added to the frustration, but once I got a hold of it things went on smooth. Speaking of smooth, I know that you're trying to make the old simplistic pixelated look, but I can't help myself but say that using smooth vector graphics in flash wouldn't have hurted your purpose of making this look like an old console game. Some of animations and graphics could have been done better even though the pixelated look may have held it back. Sometimes the game felt too quiet (except at the beginning when the explosion occured) so I would say it could have used more interactive sounds when you check something. In addition, occasionally I would forget what item I got and I wish I could click on the item and check what the item is or where I got it from. Overall, I enjoy this simplistic game that brings back old memories, a simple yet slightly challenging game that will make the player wonder what each object in game has to say.