Longest movie I've seen with such quality.
This was so awesome, especially it was so long and yet it was good throughout the whole movie. At first I doubted link's look, but by the end, I liked it and didn't have any problems with it. The graphics were awesome of course, the intro was nice too, being inside the bar and all. It was cool you added various of jokes in there, you even added the Kill Bill scene. The songs weren't original though, and they were overused, but that's cool, its nice to hear popular song in a good movie. The fairy was naked lol, and she actually played a major role in the movie, instead of a fairy flying around and telling Link what to do. The scene where you added the "real" link saving that girl was pretty cool, even though you didn't have to add this dream, you did to show that you can draw and display Link as a cool guy. This movie may seen slow and boring, but at the end, its just right. I liked it how you have all those exagerated emotion faces for Link. Overall, goodjob on this movie, can't wait for part 3. The reason this isn't in my fav movie is because I'm not the biggest Zelda fan out there, but you are my fav author.