Nice movie
That was an interesting movie, and very uniquely potrayed a hero that isn't all crazy and violent. Sure the music is kinda soft and looping, but I wonder why don't use other songs besides songs from flashkit. The graphics were nice, but could have looked even nicer if you took even more time on it, I see that you keep on improving and learning new techniques to potray your flash. I like how he learns new powers and how he becomes stronger and strong. Right, your movie is kinda babish but I can help you change all that, and bring the teenage group and up to watch your movie. No I'm not going to add violence and blood, but simply make it better, are you interested in letting me work with you? This is a kind of movie I would gladly work on if you would give me a chance. Please e-mail, aim message me, or even respond this review for your answer. Check my profile, right I only make sprite movies, but I've been practicing and even prooved it that I can draw and animate, if you want to check go to my movie Little Fighter Alpha Ch.7, go to the extras, and go to the "Warcraft III screenshots."
Enough if that, it's time to comment more on your movie, I've watched your other "Lambis" and seems like Lambi 4 has the least coolest boss, even though they were fighting in a "dreamworld", other Lambis had the ice man, the red robot who has the crystal ball of power (?), and the artist who gets controlled by some kind of bug in a hat and who makes a cool big robot. Lambi 4 was the best on everything from your other Lambis, except the main bad guy.
Oh also I wanted to tell you that your "Uploaded wrong! Lambi 3" you could of updated the dimensions, looks like you messed it up but you could have changed it the moment you saw and/or read the complains, I don't know I forgot maybe you have to pass Judgement to update your file.
Waiting for your long response?